The Andres Lopez Law Firm, PA Legal Blog

Florida shares grim drunk driving statistics

On Behalf of The Andres Lopez Law Firm , PA | June 30, 2022 | Motor Vehicle Accidents

Driving while impaired is a serious offense in the state of Florida. The National Highway Traffic Safety Association (NHTSA) recently reported that one death related to alcohol occurs every 52 minutes in the U.S. They also recently reported the largest increase in traffic deaths since they began recording them. Fatal road accidents are on the […]

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What to know about distracted driving in Florida

On Behalf of The Andres Lopez Law Firm , PA | April 30, 2022 | Motor Vehicle Accidents

Many drivers in Coral Springs, Florida, know that it is unwise to use cellphones while driving, but they do it anyway. Distracted driving first got national attention when Chrysler added a portable record player to vehicles in the ’50s. With the increased use of mobile devices, figures show that distracted driving is an even larger […]

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Three common types of injuries from auto accidents

On Behalf of The Andres Lopez Law Firm , PA | April 30, 2022 | Motor Vehicle Accidents

The CDC reports that auto accidents injure around 3 million U.S. citizens annually. Auto accidents rank second as a leading cause of preventable death behind falls. A driver in Coral Springs, Florida, may experience several types of injuries after a crash. Whiplash Whiplash is a common injury after motor vehicle accidents, which causes the neck […]

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Call An Auto Accident Attorney in Fort Lauderdale | ALopez

On Behalf of The Andres Lopez Law Firm , PA | January 30, 2021 | Motor Vehicle Accidents

Always Call the Police After a Car Accident in Coral Springs If you are involved in an auto accident, you should always call the police so that they can memorialize how the car accident occurred. This will avoid a situation where it is your word versus the other driver’s word on how the accident occurred. […]

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