If you or someone you care about has been injured while riding a bicycle, it may be in your best interest to contact a Margata, FL bicycle accident lawyer as soon as possible. If you are injured, the last thing that should be on your mind is, how am I going to pay for my medical bills and for life in general while I am injured and can’t go to work? The highly qualified and reputable legal team at The Andres Lopez Law Firm is here to help. Contact our compassionate staff anytime of the day or night to set up a free consultation.
Accidents unfortunately happen to many different types of bike riders. From the person who dusts their old bicycle off once in a great while to avid cyclists who train and participate in races and long-haul rides, anyone can suffer anywhere from minor to very serious injuries. Many casual riders assume that if they get into an accident while they are on their bike, it is automatically their fault. This is not the case. If you are a cyclist, you are likely aware that even though motor vehicles are supposed to share the road and obey all laws, many drivers unfortunately do not do this and drive as if they are allowed to ignore cyclists. When a cyclist gets injured in an accident, it is often recommended that they seek the help of a good Margate bicycle accident lawyer so that they do not suffer financially on top of their physical and emotional injuries.
Bicycle accidents can happen for many different reasons. Some of the more common reasons include speeding and distracted motorists, dooring incidents, where someone in a parked car opens a door without looking, entities responsible for road maintenance and signage, pedestrians, and other bikers.
When a bicycle rider gets injured because of another person or entity’s neglect, the cycle accident victim may be entitled to compensation. While many cycling accidents involve motor vehicles, if an accident was caused by someone or something else, such as poorly maintained or marked city roads, or a pedestrian or fellow bike rider, the injured party or parties may be able to hold the party or parties whose negligence caused the accident, liable for expenses related to the victim’s injuries. The kind of compensation a victim may be entitled to depends on the specifics of their case but in addition to compensation for medical expenses, a bicycle accident victim may be entitled to compensation for such things as lost wages, replacing damaged property, pain and suffering, and different kinds of therapies.
If you have been injured in a bike accident, the sooner you contact a good Margate bicycle accident lawyer, the sooner they may be able to start fighting for your rights so that you can focus on healing and recovering from your injuries. Contact the highly experienced team at The Andres Lopez Law Firm 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Attorney Andres Lopez has over a decade of trial experience. In that time, his work and track record of success has earned him a reputation for being a top trial attorney in South Florida.
Born in La Paz, Bolivia, Andres Lopez and his family moved to Washington, D.C. when he was a child.
Prior to attending law school, Andres Lopez tirelessly worked to give a voice to the people by serving in the White House, the Maryland Governor’s Office and managing the campaign of the first Latino to be elected to public office in Maryland.
Devoted to the legal community, Mr. Lopez serves as a member of The Florida Bar, the Broward County Bar Association, the Broward County Hispanic Bar Association, the Maryland Bar Association and the Florida Justice Association.